Hemlock Reservoir Project

This reservoir will serve Bedford South, Bedford West and Birch Cove North

In late June/early July 2020, Halifax Water, through its contractor, Landmark, began construction of a new water storage reservoir to better serve your community. The new water reservoir is being constructed at Halifax Water’s existing property on Masthead Court in Bedford.

Project Details
Hemlock Reservoir Project Map

Why does Halifax Water need to build a new water reservoir?

The communities of Bedford South, Bedford West, Royale Hemlocks and Birch Cove North have experienced significant commercial and residential growth over the last 25 years. As a result of this development, the reservoir is required to ensure Halifax Water customers have sufficient future water service, fire protection and emergency storage capacity.

Why build the water reservoir at this location?

Hemlock Reservoir Rendering - South Elevation (Looking North)

The construction of the water storage reservoir is part of previous Halifax Regional Municipality’s master plans completed for the Bedford South, Bedford West and Birch Cove North areas. This location was selected in the master planning studies for its elevation, which allows treated water to flow by gravity from the J.D. Kline (PockWock) Water Supply Plant down to this reservoir. This location is also a high point in the local water distribution system, which further enables gravity to be the main force that delivers water throughout the water distribution system. A gravity feed reduces the need for pumping and its associated costs. The reservoir site on Masthead Court is also the location of an existing underground water control chamber, which provides drinking water to the same communities the reservoir will serve. Preliminary site work for the reservoir pad was completed previously in 2001.

What should I expect during construction?

Hemlock Reservoir Rendering - West Elevation (Looking East)

Construction of the reservoir will take place off-street on Halifax Water’s Masthead Court property. The work will require excavation for a concrete foundation and underground pipe work to connect to the existing underground chamber. The remainder of the work will involve the use of mobile cranes, welding of steel plates, sandblasting for surface preparation, and painting the interior and exterior of the reservoir.  

All work is planned to take place Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Work will only be extended outside of these times with approval from Halifax Water and only to meet the construction schedule (if required). Parking of construction-related equipment and vehicles will be on-site.

What should I expect after the reservoir is complete?

The operation of the water storage reservoir will produce no noise as it has no moving parts or mechanical equipment. Halifax Water staff will periodically be on-site to perform routine inspections and maintenance at the reservoir.

As the project progresses, Halifax Water and its contractor will distribute further community notices with project updates, timelines, and related information.

Paul DiPelino
Project Manager, Landmark
Jonathan MacDonald
Project Manager, Halifax Water
Customer Care Centre
Halifax Water