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Click Before You Dig

Locate water lines & other underground infrastructure before digging

Halifax Water has almost 4,000 kilometres of critical infrastructure buried underground throughout the Halifax region. Damage to this infrastructure, and other underground infrastructure, caused by construction and excavation activities can pose a significant risk to public safety, can disrupt essential services, and can lead to significant repair costs.


Halifax Water’s locate requests are now processed by Info-Excavation.

How will I request my locate?

Request your locate electronically at: or using the Info-Excavation Mobile App available for iOS and Android devices.

Image of Info Excavation app on a mobile phone

When you request a locate electronically, you mark your work area on an online map which is sent to Halifax Water with your request.

By using the online method, you can also track your locate requests, search for past locates, and request a renewal in one-click.

Who else will be notified?

When you request a locate through this process, your request also goes to all other Info-Excavation member companies in Nova Scotia, including: Bell Aliant, Rogers, Eastward Gas, Zayo Group, and Maritimes & Northest Pipeline.


Utilities that are not Info-Excavation members must still be contacted directly before beginning your work.

Halifax Water Locates
  • Halifax Water locates are free of charge.
  • Emergency locates are still available 24/7 from Halifax Water, however, they are now processed through Info-Excavation.

If you have any questions about Info-Excavation or would like additional information, please contact Halifax Water at 902-420-9287.

Locate requests can also be made by phone at 1-866-344-5463 (DIG-LINE).