New Connections & Renewals

Service connections for water, wastewater and stormwater

Halifax Water can advise if water, wastewater, and stormwater service is available to your property using your civic address. The process for setting up a new connection to Halifax Water differs slightly between a single unit dwelling/townhouse and a multi-unit, industrial, commercial, or institutional building.

Single Unit Dwellings or Townhouses

For New Building Construction

If water, wastewater, and stormwater systems exist and a connection is possible, you must apply through the Halifax Building Permit Process.


Fees for all permits can be paid online in the online permitting system or in person at the address below:

5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays

For an Existing Building Making a New Connection or Renewal

Halifax Water has upgraded its permitting system to HRMs online permitting system and will no longer be accepting permit applications via email. If water, wastewater, and stormwater systems exist and a connection is possible, please complete the New Connection and Renewal Application Form [PDF] and upload to Halifax’s online permitting system. If you require assistance submitting your permit application, please contact HRMs Planning & Development Permit Office via phone at 311 or 1-800-835-6428, or via email at

The Lateral Loan is a Private Lateral Replacement Assistance Program designed to provide financing for a service connection renewal when other financing methods are not available to a property owner.

Multi-unit Dwellings, Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Buildings (MICI)

If water, wastewater, and stormwater systems exist and a connection is possible, you must apply through the Halifax Building Permit Process. Refer to Section 8 (Building Permit Applications) of the Halifax Water Design Specification for Halifax Water specific submission requirements.

Application Status

Halifax Water will process new service connection applications within five business days.

If no systems exist, or if a connection is not possible, Halifax Water staff can advise you on the status of any planned system extensions in your area.

Engineering approvals at Halifax Water will be happy to answer any questions you have about the status of your application.

All completed forms can be returned by mail, fax, or email.


  • Halifax Water
    Engineering Approvals
    P.O. Box 8388, RPO CSC
    Halifax, NS
    B3K 5M1


  • 902-490-4749