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Access to Information

Access to information request for records held by Halifax Water

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) legislation tries to balance an individual's right to access information and an individual's right to privacy.

Privacy and Access of Information Related to Correspondence from the Public

All records in the custody or under the control of Halifax Water are subject to the provisions of FOIPOP. This includes correspondence addressed to Halifax Water from the public and as such, the correspondence may be disclosed to others than those who were addressed by the correspondence.

FOIPOP provides that the public have the right to:

  • Request access to information held by Halifax Water
  • Access personal information about themselves held by Halifax Water
  • Request correction to their personal information held by Halifax Water
  • Control the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, by Halifax Water
  • Request independent review of decisions made under FOIPOP

During the course of conducting municipal business, a great deal of information is produced and accumulated. The legislation supports the belief that every document held by government, regardless of format, is subject to release to the general public

Filing an Access to Information Application

You should start by making an informal request. To do this, simply contact who you think might have the information you are looking for. If you are told that the information is not routinely available, then you should proceed to file a FOIPOP request by filling out one of the forms below (all FOIPOP forms will open a PDF document):

FORM 1 - Access to Information Application

FORM 2 - Request for Correction of Personal Information

FORM 3 - Consent to Disclose Information

FORM 4 - Consent to Use Personal Information

FORM 5 - Research Agreement

FORM 6 - Notice of Disclosure

FORM 7 - Request for Review by FOIPOP Office - Applicant

FORM 8 - Request for Review by FOIPOP Office - Third Party

Request to Waive Fees

How to Complete a Request
  • Enter your name, address and telephone number. If applicable, enter your company name (fax and email information are optional) 
  • Indicate if you are requesting general or personal information.
    • general: enclose the $5 application fee
    • personal: no application fee is required
  • For either type of request, please indicate if you would like to examine the records or receive a copy of the records.
  • Provide as much detail as possible; include any case numbers, file numbers or reference numbers, and the time frame for the records.
  • Please sign, date, and mail your request to the FOIPOP Coordinator with your application fee, if applicable.

You may also submit your request as a letter stating that you are requesting the information under FOIPOP.

You must enclose the $5 application fee with your letter.

Please Send Your Request to Access Information to:
  • Halifax Water
    FOIPOP Coordinator
    P.O. Box 8388, RPO CSC
    Halifax, NS
    B3K 5M1



Forms must be complete and accompanied by any applicable application fees.

Additional Information About FOIPOP Requests from Halifax Water

Halifax Water has the authority to charge additional fees beyond the initial application fee for time dedicated to preparing, copying, and sending the information. You will be provided with a fee estimate prior to the request being processed. Application fees are not refunded if your request for information has been denied.

Under FOIPOP legislation, Halifax Water is required to respond to your request within 30 days. If additional time is required (because your request was not detailed enough, you requested so much information, or a third party has to be consulted), an extension can be given, but Halifax Water is required to advise you when a response can be expected.

If you are denied access to information, Halifax Water must provide you with the reason(s) for denial. If you are not satisfied with these reasons, you may request a review. A review must be requested within 60 days of notification. The review officer is an independent ombudsman appointed by the Governor in Council.