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Cole Harbour Road Culvert Replacement Project

A detour will be in place via Forest Hills Parkway, Main Street and Ross Road

Beginning the week of August 16, construction work is expected to begin in this area.

Hours of work will be Monday to Saturday, 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

This work is expected to take approximately 8-10 weeks to complete.

Why is this work necessary?

This critical in-street culvert that crosses Cole Harbour Road is approaching the end of its service life and must be replaced. As the owner and operator of the stormwater system in this area, Halifax Water is required to repair and replace structures that protect public and private property during precipitation events, snowmelt, etc. This critical infrastructure collects water runoff from roads and other properties and redistributes it through a network of ditches, culverts, pipes, and catchbasins.

Inbound Traffic Impacts

During work hours, Cole Harbour Road will be open to inbound traffic only through the work zone.

Emergency vehicles, Halifax Transit, and school buses will have access in both directions at all times.

Drivers should expect delays in their daily commute, and we strongly recommend that you use alternative routes and avoid this area. Motorists are also reminded that speed fines double in work zones.

Outbound Traffic Impacts

A detour will be in place during work hours for outbound traffic via Forest Hills Parkway, Main Street and Ross Road.

Outside of work hours, there will be a single lane of stop-and-go traffic in both directions through the work zone.

Project Map & Overview
Cole Harbour Road Culvert Replacement - Project Overview