Customer Connect is a two-phased project that began in 2017 with the installation of new, technologically advanced, water meters. Now, in its second phase, Customer Connect is soon bringing you access to your own Halifax Water account.
Your new water meter can provide you with valuable information regarding your water consumption and by setting up your Customer Connect account you will be provided with timely, personalized information, in a secure manner.
If You Haven't Already... Get Your New Water Meter
Book an appointment with Halifax Water to get your new water meter:
- Call: 902-420-9287
- Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
- Email:
The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB) has recently approved changes to the fees associated with non-AMI Meter readings.
Beginning January 1, 2021, Halifax Water will charge all non-AMI meter reads a fee of $50.00. All non-AMI meters will be read quarterly.
Schedule your appointment before January 1, 2021 to convert to an AMI Meter, free of charge.
Halifax Water received approval from the NSUARB to upgrade our water meters to be compatible with the latest meter reading technology. An Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system is a system whereby, in lieu of meter readers walking, or driving routes to read meters with radio devices, a fixed network of radio devices is established over the service area to read meters on a much more frequent basis.
The meter technology currently installed at your home/business will determine if your water meter must be replaced. Not all properties will need to have their water meter changed, however a new transmitter will need to be installed at all properties unless the customer opts out of the RF device.
In addition to streamlining the meter reading process and reducing its cost, AMI promises many features that will improve the level of service Halifax Water can offer in future to its customers.
What to Expect During Water Meter Installation
Prior to Your Installation Appointment:
- Please ensure your water meter is accessible with a clearance of at least 16 inches wide by 16 inches (41cm) high
- Your water shut-off valve must be operational and clear of obstructions
- Ensure an adult of at least 18 years of age is home for the entire appointment
- Advise if your water meter or water shut-off valve is located in a crawlspace
During Your Installation Appointment:
- Halifax Water technicians will arrive at your property and knock on your door
- Your water will need to be turned off during the replacement process
- A typical meter replacement takes between 30 and 90 minutes
- The technician will install the new meter and attach a transmitter to the outside of your home, running a wire to connect the transmitter to the meter
After Installation:
- Minimize estimated meter reads
- There will be fewer occasions when we need to visit your property
- Halifax Water will have the ability to provide more timely leak detection
- You will enjoy the same great tasting, clean, refreshing water
- Gain online access to your Halifax Water customer account
Questions and Answers About the New Water Meters
If you have questions, you're not alone. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we get concerning our new water meter installation project.
Frequently Asked Questions
Halifax Water is upgrading its water meters technology to be compatible with the latest meter reading technology that offers benefits such as improved customer service, system operation and environmental benefits.
The meter technology currently installed at your home/business will determine if your water meter must be replaced. Not all properties will need to have their water meter changed, however a new transmitter will need to be installed at all properties unless the customer opts out of the RF device.
For more information, please contact or call 902-420-9287.
Please contact Halifax Water to arrange an appointment:
- Call: 902-420-9287
- Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
- Email:
As of January 1, 2021, customers who have not upgraded their water meter will be charged a quarterly $50 manual meter reading fee. This to offset the operational costs of sending meter reading staff and a vehicle to the location to manually read the meter every quarter.
There is no charge for the upgraded meter or the work to install it at your home or business until January 1, 2021. At that point there will be an installation fee as well as a meter reading fee of $50.00 per read, per quarter.
Yes. The new water meters emit less radio frequency energy than many other commonly-used wireless devices, like cell phones, baby monitors, satellite TVs, and microwaves that are used daily by millions of people.
Radio frequency moves through space at the speed of light. The new water meters use low-energy radio frequency waves to transmit information across distances.We have created a Radio Frequency Comparison Sheet to show the amount of RF emitted by a Customer Connect Water Meter Transmitter.
Industry Canada regulates radio communication and broadcasting apparatuses and has a set of guidelines for protecting the public. The equipment we are installing complies with Industry Canada’s requirements.
The World Health Organization and Health Canada are a few of the many credible authors of research studies showing no adverse effects from these radio frequency waves. The California Council on Science and Technology is another excellent source.
Access to account information is restricted to authorized Halifax Water personnel, who need the data to perform important functions, including improving billing and customer service. The transmitter that sends your meter reading has a unique identifier that is transmitted along with the read data. This identifier is compared electronically to your account record to ensure that the meter reading matches the meter assigned to your account.
With the new meter technology comes more water consumption data
Just like the old water meters, the new meters collect how much water you use. The main difference is the new meters collect more data throughout the day. No customer-identifying information such as names and addresses are stored in the meters or transmitted across the network.
Protecting your data is a top priority. Using the same advanced methods as internet banking and ATM machines, the new water meter reading system uses proprietary protocols, transmitting it to Halifax Water over a wireless network with multiple layers of security incorporated throughout the system. Security measures are tested and reviewed regularly to guard against unauthorized access.
A water meter is a device that records water consumption. Your water meter is connected to a transmitter, which takes consumption information and sends (transmits) it to a remote reading device that collects this data. This information is then used for billing purposes.
The water meter is usually found in the basement, near the main water shut-off valve. This shut-off valve is located where your water service line comes into your home. Again, this is usually in your basement. If you are having trouble locating the water meter, you may want to check your furnace room, utility room, or near your hot water tank.
Water meters can occasionally be found in crawl spaces, or an installer may have to pass through such a space to gain access to the water meter. If the entry access to your water meter is less than 3 feet from floor to ceiling, the installer’s entire body needs to enter the limited space to complete the job. It is vital that you let Halifax Water know beforehand if a crawl space is involved. This will help the installer come prepared so that the required safety protocols are in place while the work is being completed.
Your water shut-off valve is located where your water service line comes into your home, typically in your basement.
The installer will require a clear walking path to the meter area, as well as enough space to kneel down comfortably in front of the meter, with a small tool bag at his or her side.
Halifax Water installers are trained to cut into drywall neatly and precisely. Once the installation is complete, this hole can be covered using an access panel or a cover box which will be installed at the end of the installation at no cost to you.
Most water meters are connected by a wire to a transmitter on the outside of the home. The one currently on the outside of your home may resemble one in the image to the right. Once the meter and the transmitter are installed, Halifax Water can obtain transmitted consumption data using reading equipment, without entering your home.
A new transmitter may need to be installed as a part of the water meter replacement or upgrade. In some cases, this may also require the installation of a new wire. This wire would connect to the meter inside your home. The new transmitter will look like the one to the right.
All technicians will be driving a Halifax Water vehicle with decals and will be in uniform. Uniforms consist of:
- A “Halifax Water” shirt
- Work pants and safety boots
- A Halifax Water Employee ID Card, which will be displayed in plain sight
A Halifax Water Employee ID Card resembles the following:
If you are unsure of the technician’s identity, please call Halifax Water at 902-420-9287.
The projected capital cost of the Customer Connect project is $25.4 million over a four-year period. The savings from reduced visits, water leakage and resources will help offset this cost down the line.
To read your new Halifax Water meter, first you must expose the solar panel to light to activate the display. When activated, the LCD display will first show a segment test and then toggle between a Reading and a Flow Rate measured in Liters per minute (LPM).
Meter Flow Rate
Meter Reading