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Water Service Advisory - Dartmouth & Area Water Supply Upgrades

Phase 2: Lake Major Water Suply Upgrades

Phase 1 and 2 of these upgrades at the Lake Major Water Supply Plant are now complete.

The Lake Major Water Supply provides drinking water to the communities of Dartmouth, Cole Harbour, Eastern Passage, North Preston, Westphal and Burnside.

This critical infrastructure upgrade project is a follow-up to the successful completion of phase 1 that occurred in November & December of 2021. All of these upgrades are part of Halifax Water’s 10-year plan to upgrade our water supply plants to adapt to a changing climate and will help ensure that our customers in these communities continue to have high-quality drinking water.

Project Timeline

  • Start: Week of May 2, 2022
  • Project Complete: Week of May 16, 2022

Lake Major Water Supply Area

Service Area Map Lake Major