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Bedford Highway – Lane Drop for Water Main Repair

Access to Exit 1H will be maintained
Published: 3:20 PM | August 31, 2020
Halifax Water PSA Map - Bedford Highway - Lane Drop for Water Main Repair

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1, Halifax Water crews will be undertaking a water main repair on Bedford Highway at the beginning of Exit 1H to Highway 102 outbound. A lane drop will be in place around the work zone (see map). Access to Exit 1H will be maintained.

Work will begin at 8:30 AM and is expected to continue until approximately 4:00 PM.

Depending on the extent of the excavation required for this repair, Bedford Highway may be reduced to two lanes (one lane in each direction) in this area. Experienced traffic control personnel will be on-site to ensure smooth traffic flow past the work zone.

Motorists should expect delays and use alternate routes. Motorists are also reminded that speed fines double in work zones.

Approximately 15 customers will be without water service during this repair; those impacted have been contacted directly by Halifax Water.

We apologize for any inconvenience this necessary infrastructure improvement work may cause.

For the safety of work crews and residents, please observe social/physical distancing requirements (2 metres of separation).

James Campbell, Communications & Public Relations Manager