Turn on the Tap!

A partnership between Halifax Water the Tourism Industry of Nova Scotia
Published: 12:47 PM | March 27, 2019
Updated: 9:08 PM | April 28, 2019

In many countries, a clean, safe reliable supply of tap water is not available. Often times visitors to Halifax area hotels are reluctant to drink the tap water in their room because they don’t think it is safe to do so.

In order to raise awareness about the quality of our local municipal tap water, and cut down on the wasteful use of bottled water, Halifax Water partnered with the Tourism Industry of Nova Scotia (TIANS) to promote using tap water. Local hotels leave cards in rooms to let guests know that Halifax Water tap water meets strict national and provincial quality standards, encouraging guests to drink Halifax Water over bottled water.

Image of the hotel card made in partnership withe Halifax Water and the Tourism Industry of Nova Scotia

The cards:

The cards are printed approximately the size of a postcard and they say:

“Turn on the Tap!

Tap water in this area meets strict national and provincial quality standards.

Please enjoy a drink of tap water!

Municipal water supply is tested daily by the water utility.”

You can get more information on water quality by checking out Halifax Water’s Source Water Protection Program and the Multiple-Barrier Approach.

James Campbell, Communications & Public Relations Coordinator