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Halifax Water Submits Final Investigation Report on January Boil Water Advisory to NSUARB 

Published: 2:02 PM | March 21, 2025

This afternoon, Halifax Water submitted its final after incident review to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (NSUARB) for the January 20-21, 2025, Boil Water Advisory (BWA). This report provides the sequence of events, an after-incident review of cause(s) of the release of unchlorinated water into the distribution system.  

While all treatment requirements, except for disinfection, were met in for the January BWA, Halifax Water issued the BWA to protect public health based on regulatory requirements and direction from the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSECC).  

“We appreciate our customers’ patience as we investigated the incident and developed corrective actions that will help ensure we continue to deliver high-quality service.  Our team is committed to completing the corrective measures outlined in the report as quickly and safely as possible. As we move forward, our focus will be on regaining public confidence,” said Kenda MacKenzie, General Manager and CEO of Halifax Water.   

The after-incident review from July 1, 2024, identified 16 corrective measures. Eleven of these corrective measures have been implemented to date. This final report identifies 19 corrective measures for the January 20 and 21 event, two of these corrective measures have been completed to date.  

Halifax Water has provided a copy of the report to the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change and the Halifax Regional Council. It is also available here.

Click here to view the preliminary report. 

Halifax Water