Aerotech WWTF Grand Opening

The expanded Aerotech WWTF provides economic and environmental benefits
Published: 8:20 AM | July 24, 2019
Updated: 10:30 AM | July 29, 2019

Earlier today Bill Horne, Member of the Legislature for Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank on behalf of Chuck Porter, Minister of the Nova Scotia Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Mayor Mike Savage and Halifax Water Board Chair Darlene Fenton were on hand for the official opening of Halifax Water’s upgraded and expanded Aerotech Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF).

The $21 million Aerotech WWTF project was cost-¬shared by the federal and provin¬cial governments and Halifax Water ratepayers, with each contributing $7 million. The Aerotech WWTF is Halifax Water’s most technically advanced wastewater treatment facility.

Sean Fraser, Member of Parliament for Central Nova, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, on behalf of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities said, “Reliable, long-term wastewater infrastructure is key to supporting dynamic, healthy communities while creating good, middle-class jobs. The improved Aerotech Wastewater Treatment Facility means the airport and business park will have  wastewater treatment that supports increased commercial and industrial development, and better protects the environment.”

“Municipal infrastructure is critical to the health and safety of Nova Scotians, and to economic development in our communities,” said MLA Bill Horne, Member of the Legislature for Waverley-Fall River-Beaver Bank on behalf of Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Chuck Porter. “The Province was pleased to invest $7 million in this project. This upgraded facility helps ensure the environment is protected and provides key opportunities for business growth in the area.”

Mayor Mike Savage said, “With this critical piece of wastewater infrastructure in place, the path is clear for the airport and business park to continue to grow and further contribute to the local economy.”     

“Balancing economic growth and job creation with protection of our environment go hand in hand” said Halifax Water Board Chair Darlene Fenton. “The Aerotech facility balances those needs with technology that is on the leading edge of wastewater treatment and environmental protection, while providing capacity for future growth.”

James Campbell, Communications & Public Relations Coordinator