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Industrial Pretreatment

Manufacturing and other industrial users may be noncompliant without pretreatment systems

Manufacturers often have a number of different pretreatment setups on site. Halifax Water regulates all pretreatment facilities connected to the Halifax Water wastewater system, and may require customers to provide details of their system including but not limited to:

  • Relative location of their system (e.g. upstream of a Monitoring Access Point)
  • Plumbing drawings
  • Design specifications showing what is being removed from the wastewater and how
  • Disposal records of the recovered waste
Record Submission

Operators of pretreatment facilities connected to the Halifax Water wastewater system, if requested, are required to submit (at minimum) quarterly sample results based on the parameters set out in Section 66 of the Halifax Water Regulations, from an accredited laboratory. If you have any questions regarding whether or not you should be sampling your wastewater discharge, please contact Halifax Water.

Discharger Information Report (Form 1)

You will be required to fill out and submit a Discharger Information Report (Form 1) under the following circumstances:

  • Prior to discharging any wastewater or stormwater from an Industrial, Commercial, or Intuitional (ICI) premises
  • If you have a change in your operation that would affect the quality or quantity of your wastewater 

If you are not sure if you have ever completed a Discharger Information Report (Form 1) we recommend filling it out so we can update the contact information in your file.

If you have any questions on the form please contact us.

Further Information

For more detailed information on the requirements, please reiew the following sections of the Halifax Water Regulations:

  • Discharge to the Wastewater System - Section 63
  • Discharge to and Obstruction of the Stormwater System - Section 66
  • Pretreatment Facilities - Section 69
  • Grease Interceptors - Section 70
  • Vehicle and Equipment Service Oil and Grease Interceptors - Section 71
  • Monitoring, Sampling and Reporting - Part XIII

Contact the Halifax Water Pollution Prevention Team


  • Halifax Water
    P2 Team
    P.O. Box 8388, RPO CSC
    Halifax, NS
    B3K 5M1


  • 902-490-6934