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Get the Lead Out - Application Form

Add your property to the Get the Lead Out list here

Halifax Water's Get the Lead Out program will replace all lead service lines by 2038. Replacements are being coordinated with HRM’s street paving and renewal schedule to minimize disruption to the community and be cost-efficient for ratepayers. Learn more about the Get the Lead Out program here.

We will also complete a limited number of individual replacements with priority given to customers who are most at-risk from lead exposure. Replacements will be completed at no cost to the property owner. Halifax Water will schedule the replacements, which could take place at any time throughout the life of the program. Apply to have Halifax Water replace your lead service line below.

Request to have Halifax Water replace my lead service line

For more information on the application questions, check out the application guide here.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Thank you for your interest in the Get the Lead Out program. Unfortunately, all applications must be made by the current registered owner(s) of the property. If you are not the registered property owner, Halifax Water encourages you to speak with the property owner regarding your concerns.

Thank you for updating your application. Please provide your name and submission ID so that we can cancel your application. Please note, that we may contact you to follow-up prior to officially removing your application.

Enter the Submission ID that you received for the original application you submitted.

Property Address Information

Each application received can only be associated with a single lead service line. You must submit an individual application for each property that has a lead service line.

Is the mailing address the same as the property location?*

Property Owner Mailing Address Information (if different from above)


Contact Information

We may need a few more details or a better understanding of your situation once we've had a chance to look over your application. Let us know below if you'd rather be contacted by email, by phone, or both.

Property Occupant/Visitor Information

The information we're asking for in these next questions will help us maximize the public health benefits by focusing on the people who are at a higher risk to lead exposure, such as children under six years old and pregnant/breastfeeding people. Learn more about why we're asking these questions here.

Water Service Line Information

Let us know what type of water service line you have. If you haven't done this quick test yet, click here to open a new tab with the instructions to find out what type of service you have.


Please read through the information below and check each box to confirm that you understand and acknowledge each statement.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

For more information as well as answers to frequently asked questions, click here.

What's next?

Within ten business days of submitting your application, Halifax Water will send you a letter/email confirming that your application has been received. This letter will include your unique ‘Submission ID,’ which you will need to make future updates to your applications if any of your provided information changes.

We will be reviewing your application in the months following your submission. During the review process, we may reach out for clarification on the information you provided. Once your application has been fully reviewed, it will remain ‘Open’ until your lead service line is replaced or you choose to cancel your application. We anticipate that the number of applications to the Get the Lead Out program will exceed the number of replacements possible during the first few years. The Get the Lead Out program will continue until 2038.  

Though we understand applicants will want to know when their lead service line will be replaced, this information will only be available once Halifax Water has hired a contractor to replace your lead service line. Once a contractor has been hired, you will receive a letter with more detailed information a few weeks before the start of construction.

What to Expect: Get the Lead Out Process

Once your replacement has been scheduled, there are many steps involved before, during and after your replacement. Check them out here.