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Construction Dewatering Approval Application

Construction Dewatering Approval Application

Halifax Water Construction Dewatering Approval Application

Applicant Information

Is this discharge from any of the following activities? (check all that apply)

Proposed Discharge Details

Proposed Sediment & Erosion Control Methods

Please upload the following documents:

If you are unable to upload document please include them in an email to

  • Historical Environmental Reports
  • Lab results pertaining to the site
  • Site plan showing:
    • The location of the property, including street names
    • Location of driveway, sidewalks and other paved surfaces
    • Location of any buildings on the property
    • Location of proposed excavation
    • Requested discharge location
    • Location of wastewater lateral(s) 
    • Location of stormwater lateral(s)
Maximum 10 files.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Proposed Pretreatment

Description of any proposed pretreatment systems for contaminant removal

Please Note:

  • You will be contacted by Halifax Water once your application is submitted in full, to obtain any additional information.
  • Details of sample frequency, required analysis, and sample locations will be determined by Halifax Water once this application has been submitted. Applicant must use an accredited lab (Bureau Veritas, AGAT, ALS, etc).
  • Dewatering will not be permitted until sample results are reviewed by Halifax Water and the dewatering approval letter has been issued.
  • When dewatering to a wastewater or combined system, there is a charge of $2.259 per cubic meter (Note: The wastewater discharge rate is dictated by the Halifax Water Regulations and is subject to change). You will be required to install a flowmeter, or record pump rate and duration.
  • There may be more site-specific requirements that Halifax Water will discuss with you during the application process.
  • Approval to dewater to Halifax Water’s system will be withdrawn if the requirements outlined in the approval letter are not met.


This application form must be signed by the site representative of the company listed as the applicant, who will be responsible for complying with all terms and conditions of the dewatering approval letter.


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