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Complaint Appeals

Appeals go to an independent Dispute Resolution Officer

If after following the formal complaint process you remain concerned about Halifax Water’s response, you can submit an appeal to the Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO).

Before submitting an appeal to the DRO, customers must first follow the formal Halifax Water complaint process. Click here to learn more.


The DRO is an independent officer (not an employee of Halifax Water or the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board) who manages regulation-based customer issues.

To submit an appeal to the DRO, you must complete the DRO Appeal form below:

The DRO will be in contact, providing a reference number for your appeal, within 5 business days of receipt.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Contact Information

Service Address Information


Complaint Information

Please include any related interactions with Halifax Water, and any applicable reference numbers such as, work order numbers, development application numbers, permit numbers, etc.



Once it has been confirmed that Halifax Water’s formal complaint process has been completed, a Service Request number will be assigned and the DRO will contact you directly.

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